About the TIE Corps

  About us
Founded in 1994, the Emperor's Hammer (EH) is a group of Star Wars fans that have come together to compete against each other in the games we play, celebrate each other's in-game achievements, and even build new content for some of these games. We are a diverse group, with members from many countries around the world and a wide range of ages. Most of all, we are a group that is friendly and respectful to current members and anyone who chooses to join us.

The original trilogy of Star Wars movies depicted the conflict between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. The EH has a roleplay aspect to it in that our units, ranks, and awards are based on our idea of how a piece of the Empire might have continued the fight after the tragedy at Endor.

The TIE Corps (TC) is the division of the EH that specializes in spaceflight simulation games like TIE Fighter and Star Conflict. Modelled around the organizational structure of military fighter units, most of our members are assigned to Squadrons. Each Squadron has a Commander, who serves as the primary contact for the pilots assigned the Squadron he or she leads.

  What we do
On a regular basis, some of the activities we engage in are:
  • Competing against each other in the games we play, or grouping up to achieve team victories;
  • Flying missions created by the TIE Corps members in X-wing, TIE Fighter, X-wing Versus TIE Fighter, and X-wing Alliance;
  • Flying PvP and PvE missions in Star Conflict;
  • Taking courses from our own internal training system, the Imperial University (IU);
  • Communicating over email, in-game messaging, message boards, IRC, Telegram and voice chat.
  What our members can expect from us
We are a group of experienced gamers that have been running our organization for a long time now. As such, we have a highly professional group of leaders that excel at creating and maintaining a fun environment.

We will handle the business end of connecting you to other pilots to fly with and compete against. We will also recognize your efforts and congratulate you on your victories in ways that other members will see and take part in.

We cater to a wide variety of activity levels. Some of our members top the leaderboards every month and take part in every competition. Others participate by being active on the mailing list, answering questions or making comments. However much time you have to spend with us, we have a place for you.

  What we expect from our members
In a club like this, communication is key. If you've got a question, ask! If you're not sure what to do next, let us know! Our goal is to allow every member to participate in as much as they'd like to, and we're all happy to assist anyone who needs help.